Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Movie Poster

Here we have our final finished edition of our movie poster. One of the highlights of our coursework last year was our poster, so this year we had to see what we could do differently, to make sure the poster is as good but so it didn't look like we had taken to much from the last poster.

What you see on the left hand side is what we came up with. Compared to the poster which we had last year, this is very simple, the poster last year had much more going on with regards to detail and colours.

So we went for the total opposite for this year. This time the colour scheme = Black&White. Detail very limited and writing also limited. And as you can see we managed to create something as effective using much less activity.

Another thing is the text right at the bottom. Usually, we what we did last year was take it off another poster. However in this poster we edited out all the information and replaced it with our actual information, this shows professionalism and attention to detail.

After evaluating our finished piece, we realised that it was lacking text. On movie posters there tends to be text which gives part of the movie away or just a rating which shows what a certain magazine or newspaper thought of it. This is something we did not add and through evaluation and criticism we realised. We are now thinking of a strap-line, rating to add onto the poster to give some more information for example.
Strap-lines tend to be very short but just enough to want someone to look further and maybe watch the film. For this reason we are going to add one and upload it once it has been completed.

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