Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Rough Cut Analysis

This is some of the filming we have done so far, we have more filming done however when we sat down to piece it together, this is what we found went best together. 
Most of which so far is in black and white, we have scenes filmed in the house where the lighting is fully natural and there has been no editing done, we intend to keep them scenes that way, by doing this we hope it will give the black and white scenes more effect and significance. A sort of contrast to show the fully lit scenes where everything is good and well with the friends, and then the darkness to show the darkness the friends face.
The noises added in are temporary, as we film further we are going to hopefully look for ways to create other suspicious noises to add in, we want to create our own, to go along with the rest of the film so far and be unique. As you saw in this footage we still need to add tag-lines, we feel that tag-lines in most other films although provide a scare in themselves, they are very similar in may horror trailers, we are still thinking of what to write and add, along with the name.
For the name, we wanted a powerful name, however a name that portrays mystery at the same time, ambiguous, inexplicable, Enigma is the one we decided to stick with in the end, as these words mean the same thing. The idea of something being unexplainable is what scares an audience, they go to the cinema to see a horror, what they expect is to see things that they would not expect to happen in their lives or in their day to day life. Which is why when at the beginning of a film when it says it is based on a true story, it tends to have more effect on the audience.

Most things are made to seem mundane in black and white, the few things moving for instance me and Hassan will stick out even more, the colours are gone, makes most of the scene seem lifeless which also ads to the horror effect. 

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