Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Textual Analysis of a Horror Poster

Film: Strangers
Release Date: May 30, 2008
Production Company: Rouge Pictures
Producers: Doug Davidson, Roy Lee, Nathan Kahane
Director: Bryan Bertino
Actors: Liv Tyler, Scott Speedman

The primary purpose of a poster is to advertise they can be seen all around us in a wide range of places from public transport to magazines. A poster is one of the primary form of promotion for a movie, as well as other forms of media. Although there has been enormous leaps forward in technological development a poster has become a traditional way of promotion for a movie, as it has the power to portray the essence of an entire movie in a single snapshot, and work brilliantly in synergy when accompanied with other forms of promotion such as the use of a trailer.

Instantaneously this poster informs the audience that the movie it is advertising is a horror, this is achieved through many different media techniques and the use of specific images that fit with horror conventions.

Firstly the poster uses but also alters typical horror conventions of dark backgrounds and gory foreground text or images, it uses dark colours to surround the central image in the same way a vignette filter usually does in many horror films this further solidifies the audience belief that the poster is for a horror film and also focuses the viewers attention on the central image which shows two people confronted by three people wearing masks although we are not explicitly told who are the victims and the perpetrator because the audience are familiar with media conventions and are aware the perpetrator is often anonymous and victims are often shown as helpless, it allows them to differentiate between the two without explicitly stating so.

Secondly the font used in the poster is white which contrasts with the black extremely well, furthermore the font and colour could be considered a visual metaphor with the white representing light and the black representing darkness referring to a typical scene in most horror movies where the victim is show in darkness with usually a small light source such as a candle.

Equally the lack of text works just as well as the text that is present an example of this is the lack of
ratings and review quotes which are often present on promotional posters this poster has neither which i think adds to the mystery and horror as it suggests that the movie is too frightening to have ever been watched, this works very well as many people tend to watch movies to prove to friends that they are fearless this may cause people to watch this movie in particular as a measure of how brave they are. 

Furthermore the non verbal communication in the poster works extremely well. i think this is because the perpetrators are wearing masks with prevents any emotion being show and provides a sense of of being in the presence of the unknown which is something portrayed in many horror movies. The use of light once again works very well in synergy with this as it focuses the viewers attention on to the masks worn by the perpetrators.

At the same time there is also a sense of mental instability portrayed in the poster this is achieved through the way the perpetrators are shown stood with there arms by there side in a almost innocent way however are in a situation that we believe could result in the murder of someone. Due to death and innocence being contrasted insecurity and mental instability is portrayed as these are things we would never associate with each other   

In addition the costumes worn in the poster with the exception of the masks appear to seem very natural and normal this adds to the to the realism portrayed by the poster as it provokes the audience to think that what is happening in the poster could very easily happen to them and creates fear which is exactly what horrors are meant to achieve. 

Furthermore the poster provokes the audience to stop and think through the use of unique tag line 'Because You Were Home' the use of this tag line creates a sense of mystery as people think they are safest when at home however this suggests otherwise and creates a sense of insecurity which adds to the viewing pleasure associated with media of the horror genre.

Overall the poster teases the audience by touching on almost every element that makes up a good horror as well as adding new elements unique to this poster alone which when coupled together with each other and create a extremely enticing atmosphere, which when displayed on the poster makes an outstanding piece of promotional media which is more then capable of completing its task.

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