Thursday, 6 December 2012


From the beginning we decided to have all clothing blacked out, or something very close to black, we thought this would help with the genre. After shooting the first few scenes and editing them, slowing them and adding lenses. we saw that this idea would be best, all blacked out clothing.
However as we continued to meet on set, we realised that having all black was good but there wasn't much we could do with it, so that's when we decided to change one of the characters clothing, Hassan, and by something as simple as changing what he is wearing, we where able to add 3 more scenes which we thought of on set.
The type of clothing he wore was not very significant however it was the colour that made the difference, as the colour of his clothing, showed that everything was not all scary to begin with, and to contrast this analysis of the clothing we plan to film a social scene involving this form of clothing.

This is the lighter set of clothing chosen for Hassan to wear, this
helped lighten the trailer and helped us add more to it. 

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