Monday 26 November 2012

Unique Transitions

Instead of having blank transitions from scene to scene, for instance a blacked out screen, we came up with the idea of using a lighter and the spark of the lighter being the transition into the next scene.
After watching many trailers we saw that transitions have a big effect on what the trailers about, and the transitions are something unique to that film.
The type of transitions used can effect the flow and the intensity of the trailer. If the trailer is very fast paced and full of action then a transition can be used to slow it down, an example of this is in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre trailer, the sound has been muted when they are being chased by the chainsaw murderer and a beat has been added to create a sense of rush, however when it shows the different scenes of the different people being chased a camera transition is used, it creates a freeze frame image which is kept on the scene and faded out.
This transition for instance slows the trailer down for a moment before it all speeds up again, this is very clever considering what the film and trailer is about and showing.

On the other hand a transition can be used to show a sped up scene to give the trailer pace, this is the opposite of the previous mentioned however is also a very effective way of using a transition.
Trailers are not very long and therefore the transitions are very short however the correct use of them can help create a trailer that someone sees and wants to watch the film of

Transitions are unique to films, they may not have a direct correlation to the film however as you watch more trailers, focusing on the specifics such as the transitions, you will begin to see that they suit the film perfectly.
When we where in location strolling through thinking about new possible ideas, the idea sparked into mind to use a lighter sparking as a transition, this thought, filmed and edited on the Mac provided something unique and very professional.

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