Saturday, 3 November 2012

Team RHK

The planning sections of the whole course is not regarded as the strong point of any of the members in group RHK. However as we have been progressing we realised that alot of the work we were doing was planning, we just made the error of not noting it down to re-visit.
So through the product of lots of hard work we can go through and acknowledge the planning we have done.
We conducted video interviews to confirm our ideas about the ages that horror films appeal to, although we only conducted a certain number of interviews to show we thought and questioned all ages, we were constantly speaking to a wide selecton of people/ages throuout  our school and in our peer groups just to make sure we had the age spot on.

This Is Me.

This is me, we had large dscussions about who was going to play part in the opening, we thought just becasue i did it didnt mean that i had to for this peice, however when we thought, it made sense to have me as part of the cast, we done a substancial amout of filming last year, lots of which we didnt use but the experience of being in that role gave the edge that i should stick in the role i was playing.
By being in that role, i feel tht firstly i am actually doing something, because its all very well and good having put something down on paper however me being a very practical person i prefer to be able to say yes i did that rather than yes i saw that being done.
Once i am in roll, and im in the mode for the filming then my mind opens up to all kinds of possibilities, being in the environment helps me personally coming up woth new better ideas etc.

This is Hassan

The group is the same as it was last year however Hassan played a much smaller role than this year. This year instead of being more behnd the scenes hes going to be in them, alongside me, two main characters. With two main characters instead of one, you can play about with the story alot more then you could otherwise.

This is Razwan
Also a member of our group last year, Razwan was barely in the last production due to the fact that the area he excells most being the filming.
With a natural passion for filming, it was through razwan that we manage to source the high quality camera equipment and it is him who knows how to use it to its full potential.
Similarly to last year his role is not going to be very significant, he personally feels that behind the camera is where his place is and filming is what he is good at so is what he what he wants to be doing.

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