Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Conduction of Video Interviews

We went around and conducted our media interviews, asking the questions that where on the post before this, our preparation and thoughts all put into 10 questions, there was an eleventh question which i added into the list to ask the people of an older category to find out weather their taste in film had changed from when they where our age to now, as i mentioned in the post before this there where many factors that could have changed from someones older teenage years to their adulthood, these may have shaped their preferences differently, one question we decided to definitely add was weather or not they found horror to be scarier if/when there was a child involved, as i expected many of the older people we asked have started families and now have children, mostly the age of the children you see in horrors, which puts them off if they where to watch them now.
One reason we got was because "i used to watch them to show off to my mates, now i don't really care what they think of me,"
You will see these in the full footage below..

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