Tuesday 26 February 2013

Magazine Cover

We changed our cover complete as i listed in a previous post, however even the second copy had some errors once we properly evaluated it, small touches which make all the difference.
So we have re-evaluated with our media teacher and noted down once again all the things that we feel need to be changed, Comparing it also to the professional edition of Empire.

This was the second edition of our poster, Compared to the last one we added all the necessary information such as the date etc. Then added the white strip as you can see towards the bottom of the image.
One way we looked to see if it was perfect was by looking at it from a distance, then we realised the writing in the circle on the right hand side was not easily read so we then got to work and changed things around, more so then planned.

This is the new improved version of our magazine cover. As you can see we changed the writing and removed the smaller image. And fully changed the main image. The reason is because simply this image looked better, we used a different effect and made the image lighter and it just seemed more outgoing.

This is the new improved poster,   There is a lot more text on it and also we needed a catch line which we have also come up with.
One thing we missed through evaluation to give the poster substance was reviews from different magazines eg. We added these few details and they made a big difference.

Monday 25 February 2013

Filming To Be Done

Although we were very ahead of the game in the beginning with filming, every time we watch over the footage in the order we have put it, it gives us the impression that something is missing and there is something we can add. So now we have gone through what we have slowly and taken notes of what we feel we can add and move around.
We have created many transitions and effects from scratch which we are very proud off however to have them separated correctly and put in a proper place throughout the film we are going to have to film more footage.
Most of our footage was filmed in a house which was empty and so we managed to achieve an eery effect with it, then we moved into a woodland area which was meant to be the lead up. and although we are filming a trailer, we have no real concluding point towards the end which i personally feel is needed.
I also feel we need some more scenes in the middle of the footage, not only because we have more room for it, but because we as a group feel there needs to be more because when it comes to a trailer, although you don't want to give all of the story away, its important to give the viewer enough so they want to see more, this is one point i think we need to work on.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Magazine Cover

This is our magazine cover. We have just done an evaluation as we did on the poster and aligned it with a professional copy of Empire magazine and realised although we had come up with something which we thought was very good, we had missed a few details.

The first thing we forgot was the price, as previously mentioned these are just technicalities however they are what give the magazine that professional look.
Another small thing we forgot is the date. By putting the date on we can show we paid attention to detail. Also we have a bar code, a bar code is scanned to give the employee the price and so it looks better if there is a price on the cover.

We currently have 3 images on our magazine cover, however when comparing ours with a professional edition of Empire, we realised that they ten to have 2 slightly broader images and then more text. So we are currently working on removing one of the images.

Another problem we are having is with the text. The text that is currently on the page is proving to be confusing compared to a real edition of Empire. So as well as taking things off the page we are re-arranging the text in contrast to the image so its clear what each piece of text is for.
Also one one of the chosen images has been removed and the text  organised, we are going to have a lot of space on the cover. So while looking at Empire's layout we saw they had less images and more text, the text they had was all of different colours, sizes and fonts however still proved to catch the readers eye. This is what we intend to do get rid of things and make space for more text.
We have also decided to make the images we are keeping smaller, or have one of them large and one significantly smaller.

This is the edition of Empire we are comparing our cover with. 

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Movie Poster

Here we have our final finished edition of our movie poster. One of the highlights of our coursework last year was our poster, so this year we had to see what we could do differently, to make sure the poster is as good but so it didn't look like we had taken to much from the last poster.

What you see on the left hand side is what we came up with. Compared to the poster which we had last year, this is very simple, the poster last year had much more going on with regards to detail and colours.

So we went for the total opposite for this year. This time the colour scheme = Black&White. Detail very limited and writing also limited. And as you can see we managed to create something as effective using much less activity.

Another thing is the text right at the bottom. Usually, we what we did last year was take it off another poster. However in this poster we edited out all the information and replaced it with our actual information, this shows professionalism and attention to detail.

After evaluating our finished piece, we realised that it was lacking text. On movie posters there tends to be text which gives part of the movie away or just a rating which shows what a certain magazine or newspaper thought of it. This is something we did not add and through evaluation and criticism we realised. We are now thinking of a strap-line, rating to add onto the poster to give some more information for example.
Strap-lines tend to be very short but just enough to want someone to look further and maybe watch the film. For this reason we are going to add one and upload it once it has been completed.