Tuesday 29 January 2013

Rough Cut Analysis

This is some of the filming we have done so far, we have more filming done however when we sat down to piece it together, this is what we found went best together. 
Most of which so far is in black and white, we have scenes filmed in the house where the lighting is fully natural and there has been no editing done, we intend to keep them scenes that way, by doing this we hope it will give the black and white scenes more effect and significance. A sort of contrast to show the fully lit scenes where everything is good and well with the friends, and then the darkness to show the darkness the friends face.
The noises added in are temporary, as we film further we are going to hopefully look for ways to create other suspicious noises to add in, we want to create our own, to go along with the rest of the film so far and be unique. As you saw in this footage we still need to add tag-lines, we feel that tag-lines in most other films although provide a scare in themselves, they are very similar in may horror trailers, we are still thinking of what to write and add, along with the name.
For the name, we wanted a powerful name, however a name that portrays mystery at the same time, ambiguous, inexplicable, Enigma is the one we decided to stick with in the end, as these words mean the same thing. The idea of something being unexplainable is what scares an audience, they go to the cinema to see a horror, what they expect is to see things that they would not expect to happen in their lives or in their day to day life. Which is why when at the beginning of a film when it says it is based on a true story, it tends to have more effect on the audience.

Most things are made to seem mundane in black and white, the few things moving for instance me and Hassan will stick out even more, the colours are gone, makes most of the scene seem lifeless which also ads to the horror effect. 

Filming To Be Done

A lot of what we do when filming is very spontaneous, although we have in mind the ideas the plans which we have come up with during lesson time, when we are on set so many more ideas come to mind.
Other scenes such as scary moments throughout, what he have at the moment puts more of a story to the trailer however, scary moments which appear throughout the trailer for split seconds.

Today we have been told that we have just over three weeks before the hand in date of all of our practical work. Although we have been paying significantly more attention to the blog it is now time to go back to the practical work and give it some finishing touches and possible add to it to make it that bit better.

Quick cuts: with the filming we already have, there is too many shots which take too long to kick in. There is story before something happens and although this helps the viewer understand what the story is about, when there is too much of it its almost boring, its expected in the next scene and you lose the element of surprise. Therefore it is important to have a balance, so they understand what they're actually being scared of.

Establishing shots: These shots give the audience a feel of the location. Last year we couldn't really afford to do that too much due to the locations we had chose to film in, this year we have moved right out and filming in very different locations, dark wooded areas with rocky streams, so by having an establishing shot, we can add effect to the whole of the video. Most of the filming

After effects


Another thing we noticed was part of filming did not quite add up which means we are going to go and re-film some of the scenes and then that will allow us to put our media piece together so it makes sense.

After Effects

While creating our after effects, we came across a new effect which appealed to us. It was of a face talking and an effect in front of the face so no features of the face where seen.
As our media practical piece is based on horror this effect really appealed to us and we thought it would go perfectly with what we have currently filmed.
It was not an effect we are largely familiar with and so it took lots of research and following videos which we found on the Internet, however we have now managed to create an effect which has been finished and polished to perfection. Now when we come to arranging our footage into a full film, we are then able to add this transition where we feel it is best.

This effect as we executed it, we saw how simple it really was. We went to a dark room and filmed myself, just talking to the camera, as funny as it sounds that was the base of this whole transition. Simply talking to the camera, and i had to keep my head perfectly straight and at a certain height for the camera and just spoke with a slight aggression to the camera.
Once it was filmed we then it was uploaded to the Mac and the first thing we did was mute the sound. then, the it became an aggressive conversation with the camera as seen in the video above.
After my face was cut out so it was the only thing in shot to edit and then the editing began.