Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Previous (A.S) into current (A.2)

                                                        Our end product - A.S Level

At first when we set out to create our main piece at a.s naturally we where very exited and came up with what i now think of as undo able ideas for the time, however throughout the course of the year the skills and knowledge we gained bought us to a much higher level of working and understanding, if we where to i think we id be able to achieve them undo able ideas now without thinking twice. We as a group were happy with the end product but during the filming schedule we had come up with we had mishaps which we did not expect and maybe didn't give ourselves enough leniency for, excess scene filming which allot of didn't get used , as we had school rules getting to locations at the right times of day was also an issue, we had planned originally to set allot of the film in the outdoors at certain times of day as we only wanted so much or so little light. However as we are now dong our a2's we shouldn't have these issues.

My concentration was focused more towards the practical side of the media throughout the first year as i am much better at doing things rather than classroom studying which is why i performed and contributed much better i personally think in practical lessons. This year the same amount of attention and drive is going to be given to both aspects of media as the theories and structures you learn in the classroom side of things are vital to be learnt and then applied for the higher grades in the practical side of the course.

This year we have kept the same group and kept to the same genre, horror, the reason for this being is that by doing horror for our a.s level work we made mistakes and did things which we worked out ourselves didn't fit for certain reasons, we have been studying the genre since also so we are very well equipped i think to make a horror trailer and it be better in all aspects.

With regards to equipment we used the schools equipment throughout a.s however as a.2 is a step up we feel that more enhanced equipment would be better so we have sorted cameras with high definition recording with higher resolution, also enhanced settings for recording in the dark/dark areas. The Mac equipment used to cut, edit and put together the main piece is also allot more familiar to us now, we are able to resort to other programmes on the Mac's other then i-Movie to put various part of the end product together.

For the cast in our a.s piece we only acted ourselves but now after watching numerous horror films and trailer we have seen that with a cast so small there is limits to what you can do with a small cast, the plan for our first a.2 media piece is to fully write our story and then from the people whom we know come up with a cast to suit. As its only a trailer we are making to use other cast wont take to long and will prove effective as there are more people, when there are more people there can be more story, when you have an intense story with the right other ingredients you are able to hook the audience and there is more than one thing for their mind to focus on, without giving them too much to confuse them it keeps their mind working and wanting to know what happens and where the various characters end up.

With location due to school rules etc we were not able to go to far out and due to many other reasons we couldn't film allot of the time, all of the main task for our a.s level work was filmed n and around school, although most people would not know that for me personally i feel if your in a location where you would imagine a dark gloomy scary scene to be filmed then it helps bring out the best, you can make any location scary with some dark sheets and noises however when your in a place where u think something scary could or would happen then your mind automatically starts panting with ideas. So for location we have many ideas in very remote areas which we hope will help set the scene. Remote areas is where allot of movies take place, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wolf Creek, Cabin In The Woods (Horror/Thriller), these films are all set in remote areas where you could expect some UN-natural strange things to happen.
This image above is from the film Wolf Creek, an Australian horror about some children who brake down their and come across a crazed bushman who takes them captive after offering to fix their car.
                                                                Wolf Creek Trailer

The image above is an image from the movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the house you see is the house where some of the victims meet their killer..Leatherface
 Texas Chainsaw Massacre Trailer

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